It started with a single super-fast skipping rope 10 years ago. Here’s how it’s going now (with a bit of help from Sendle savings). TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) Ben & Andy, founders of The WOD Life It was 2013, and Ben and his school mate Andy just wanted a faster skipping rope each to […]
Can home remedies help my sciatica?
Ask the doctors Q. Is there anything I can do at home to ease sciatica pain? A. Sciatica is a condition that causes pain that radiates down the buttock and the leg. It occurs when one of the two sciatic nerves in your body, which run from your back down to your toes, is compressed […]
Can celiac disease affect life expectancy?
Celiac disease (CD), triggered by the ingestion of gluten, occurs in people genetically predisposed to develop the chronic autoimmune condition. During the past few decades, doctors have learned much about how the disease develops, including genetic and other risk factors. However, results from studies on whether people with CD have an increased risk of premature […]
Bring a fuzzy memory back into focus
Treating underlying conditions, living a healthy lifestyle, and doing crossword puzzles may help. If you’re like most people ages 50 or older, your power of recall has lost a little wattage. That becomes clear if you often forget where you left your glasses or can’t remember why you walked into a room. Those everyday lapses […]
Healthy feet, happy life
Your feet always support you, so return the favor. Your feet are the foundation of an active lifestyle, but odds are you don’t give them proper attention. “As you age, healthy feet become essential for being mobile, active, and safe,” says Dr. Kevin Riemer, a podiatrist with Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. “You need […]
I can’t eat that!
Food intolerances make dairy and other foods hard to swallow. As a child, you loved eating ice cream cones and drinking glasses of cold, delicious milk. Today, those same dairy treats leave you feeling gassy, bloated, and miserable. Could you be lactose intolerant?
Red meat allergy spread by ticks: A link to heart disease?
Research we’re watching A bite from a lone star tick can trigger an unusual allergy that causes hives, swelling of the throat and lips, or an upset stomach when you eat red meat. But that’s not all: people with this rare red meat allergy may be particularly prone to narrowed, stiff arteries in the heart, […]
Cognitive behavioral therapy offers a drug-free method for managing insomnia
Bleary-eyed insomniacs know all too well that problems with sleep aren’t limited to nighttime hours. In fact, people who have trouble falling or staying asleep often feel crummy all day long. Many people with insomnia turn to sleeping pills, which often have unwanted side effects. Few of them know about an equally effective therapy that […]
Thunderstorm asthma: Bad weather, allergies, and asthma attacks
It’s an old line: everyone complains about the weather but no one is doing anything about it. But if you’re a person with bad allergies or asthma, stormy weather can be more than an annoyance; it can be a serious threat to your health. “Thunderstorm asthma” was first reported in the 1980s in England and […]
Should I get a calcium score?
Q. I’m wondering if I should get a test to check my calcium score. I’m 52 and in good health. My LDL cholesterol level is normal (97 mg/dL), but my father had a heart attack in his late 40s. A. The artery-clogging plaque that builds up inside the heart’s arteries contains cholesterol, inflammatory cells, scar […]