We all experience stress in our lives. Traffic. Monthly bills. Health concerns. Relationship issues. Because the mind and body are so closely linked, these constant worries can take a toll on health, contributing to a host of diseases. While you can’t erase all sources of stress, you can learn how to reduce stress and also […]
New thinking on glaucoma treatment
For people with the most common form of the disease, the approach to first-line treatment is changing. When the doctor says you have glaucoma, there’s a good chance it’s open-angle glaucoma, the most common form of the vision-robbing disease. It’s also likely you’ll be given prescription eye drops to halt the disease’s progression; that’s typically […]
Adding hormonal therapy to radiation lengthens survival in men with recurring prostate cancer
High-grade cancer that’s still confined to the prostate is generally treated surgically. But a third of the men who have their cancerous prostates removed will experience a rise in blood levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). This is called PSA recurrence. And since detectable PSA could signal the cancer’s return, doctors will often treat it by […]
Breakthrough in brain stimulation offers cautious hope for depression
The basic tools we have for treating depression haven’t changed greatly in recent years. Medications and talk therapies are a mainstay. Lifestyle approaches, such as encouraging physical activity, sufficient sleep, and social connection, are often part of the package. If depression fails to lift, the next line of treatment for some may be a noninvasive […]
Silent suffering
After your cancer diagnosis, you put your chin down and plowed through the task at hand — beating it. But you didn’t necessarily expect to be smacked with another huge challenge soon after: survivor’s guilt. This psychological phenomenon, which includes strong, persistent feelings of sadness and remorse, is an unwelcome intrusion at the end of […]
Even a little socializing is linked to longevity
Among its many health benefits, socializing is tied to reduced risks of early death. But how much socializing might it take to live longer? Maybe just a little, suggests a large Chinese study published online March 6, 2023, by the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health . Scientists evaluated the health, lifestyle habits, and self-reported […]
Battling a “brain storm”
Official statistics indicate nearly 40 million Americans cope with migraines — throbbing headaches so disruptive that those stricken often retreat to a dark, quiet room. But the real numbers affected by this “brain storm” are likely about 50% higher, Harvard experts say, meaning tens of millions haven’t formally been diagnosed and aren’t benefiting from ever-improving […]
National task force updates recommendations on hormone therapy after menopause
Updated national guidelines on hormone therapy after menopause recommend that women use it only to relieve menopause-related symptoms, not to prevent chronic conditions that become likelier as women’s hormone levels drop after menopause. The latest guidelines from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, published Nov. 1, 2022, in JAMA , recommend against the use of […]
Straight talk about Peyronie’s disease
While erectile dysfunction (ED) remains the top sexual issue for older men, another condition that can affect their sex life is Peyronie’s disease, a disorder marked by significant curvature of the penis. Peyronie’s disease, named after French surgeon François Gigot de la Peyronie, who first described the condition in 1743, affects about 3% to 10% […]
The dark side of daylight saving time
On March 12, most Americans will observe the start of daylight saving time (DST) and “spring forward” by setting their clocks one hour ahead. (The exceptions are people living in Arizona and Hawaii.) DST lasts from mid-March until early November when the clocks turn back an hour and return to standard time. During DST, people […]