Paths to parenthood: Receiving an embryo donation
Embryo donation — the process by which a family donates their “extra” embryos to a couple or individual — is a viable path to parenthood. In a previous blog post, I addressed some of the reasons why people who consider their families complete after in vitro fertilization (IVF) might choose to donate embryos. Who, then, […]
The dark side of daylight saving time
On March 12, most Americans will observe the start of daylight saving time (DST) and “spring forward” by setting their clocks one hour ahead. (The exceptions are people living in Arizona and Hawaii.) DST lasts from mid-March until early November when the clocks turn back an hour and return to standard time. During DST, people […]
Ring vaccination might help curtail monkeypox outbreaks
By now, you’ve probably heard that there is a monkeypox outbreak traveling around the globe. Cases have spread far and wide . It’s the largest outbreak ever recorded outside of western and central Africa, where monkeypox is common. But controlling this outbreak demands preventive measures, such as avoiding close contact with people who have the […]
Asking about guns in houses where your child plays
Guns hurt and kill; it’s a simple fact. And while most gun injuries and deaths are the result of an assault or suicide, unintentional injuries happen all the time, including to children and between them. In the six-year span between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2020, there were at least 2,070 unintentional shootings by […]
Recognizing and preventing sun allergies
No one is truly allergic to the sun, but some people are quite sensitive to different types of sun rays and may develop mild to serious reactions after spending time in the sun. There are several types of “sun allergies,” but polymorphous light eruption (PMLE), an autoimmune condition in the skin that occurs after sun […]
Recommendation calls for earlier diabetes screening in people who are overweight
Research we’re watching If your body mass index (BMI) — a measure of body fat based on both weight and height — is 25 or greater, you should be screened for prediabetes and diabetes every three years starting at age 35, instead of age 40, according to an updated recommendation from the U.S. Preventive Services […]
4 immune-boosting strategies that count right now
It’s winter, as a glance outside your window may tell you. COVID-19 is circulating at record levels across much of the country. Keeping our immune systems healthy has taken on new importance, as many of us hope to ward off flu and winter colds as well as worrisome variants of the virus that causes COVID-19, […]
Why try for a vaginal birth after a cesarean?
Birthing a child is one of the most memorable moments of one’s life. And the way a birth occurs — vaginally, or surgically by cesarean section — can influence your health and your next birth experience, if you have one. A frequently used calculator helps doctors predict the likelihood of having a successful vaginal birth […]
Preventing preeclampsia may be as simple as taking an aspirin
Preeclampsia is a common and dangerous complication of pregnancy that causes high blood pressure and excess protein in urine. Typically, it occurs during the third trimester or very soon after birth, but there may be a simple way to help prevent it. If you’re pregnant, preeclampsia can cause kidney and liver abnormalities, blood clotting problems, […]
Finding balance: 3 simple exercises to steady your steps
A healthy life requires balance — and not just in a metaphorical sense. Being able to maintain physical balance is crucial to performing everyday activities from going up and down the stairs to reaching for an item on a shelf at the supermarket. But while many people squeeze in a daily walk and may even […]